Tuesday, September 30, 2014


I am currently using a website at open university. www.futurelearn.com
I did an experiment to see how much of a potato is water. Approximately 98/127.
Here is the potato before the experiment:


Here is the amount of water we got out of the potato:
(not the same water)


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Really edited!

Here is an edited pic:
These are my gumboots. 
A non-edited pic:
From my backyard. Can you guess what it is?

Sorry this post is brief; but I'm running short on time.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Got hold of some photo editing software, things could get interesting here.
Still working out how to use it, so no "fancy pics" yet sorry.
Here are some others:
my backyard
These are some older pics I have had for a while.
Got to go now bye.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

"Warming Up" to Spring

You know that B&W pic of Trouble the Cat I did a while back? ( Click here for link)
Here is a color pic!
SO cute!

Here is another "brick pic."

That's all for this post today.  Bye!
P. S. my camera has gone missing so I will just post them from the computer for now.

Monday, September 1, 2014

\ : Disappointed with lake tourists

More lake pics!
The valley and the lake
My sister

We were disappointed to find broken glass bottles around the picnic area that could have hurt some of the younger children. To find out more about why litter is wrong, please visit my friend's blog at: Click here for link.
Thank you!